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KM-BR908-199M Fully Automatic Single Head Pocket Setter Machine

Computer Controlled Electronic Programmed Automatic Folding and Sewing Pattern With 7-inch high performance display, new patterns can be easily made and existing patterns can be modified. Quick pattern change feature, automatic stitch direction determination feature and many more features. All kinds of shapes such as round, right angle, curve, flower pattern can be sewn automatically with high efficiency. Thanks to the machine’s high response servo system, the sewing speed can reach up to 60 metres per minute. Single Head Jeans, Shirt Pocket, Tshirt Roba, Triangular Peç and Moon Attaching Machine with Automatic Stacking and Thread Cutting Full Speed Minimum Lubrication Flat Sewing Head System.

2000-2300 pieces of pocket attachment with 8-9 hours of daily operation.


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